Saturday, August 15, 2015

More traveling????

Well, only in the electronic sense.....
Our new blog address is

Rushing2Ramble will remain up with the same content.
All new content will be on new blog..... as well as the good old Rushing2Ramble posts.

Please join us at

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Home Sweet Home - Trip wrap up

Ah, Home.

We flew home in the morning, early, early, in the morning.
The flight was non-stop, which we love.

Now we are trying to return to normal life.

But for the sake of wrapping up the trip, here are some stats :)

The mugs collected on this trip! 

Final Stats:
Miles total: 2661
States Total: 13
Starbucks Mug Total: 10
Editor's roller coaster total: 40
Number of unique roller coasters ridden by anyone in the family: 42
License plate state count: 39 states and 2 provinces

Wow! We had an amazing trip. All of us visiting places we have never been before and made lots of great memories. I have no idea when we will do our next road trip. But until that time, theses memories and pictures will remind us of the fun.
Thanks for tagging along.