Sunday, February 17, 2013

O Canada - Day 2

Belugas and beyond

This morning we walked to breakfast - it was about 6 blocks and wan't the best way to start the day for everyone... but the yummy meal made it a little better. We tried a resturaunt called DeDutch, and it was a good find. They have huge kind of crepe-like pancakes with a large variety of topping choices. We ate our fill and walked back to our hotel, arriving just as the rain started... what good timing!
Next on our schedule was check out and back to Stanley Park. Today we explore the Aquarium!

I can't look at these guys and not think of Finding Nemo

After we had seen it all, we loaded back into the "chariot" and headed east, to Harrison Hot Springs. With a short stop for lunch, we arrived just a bit before check in. But Yay! our rooms were ready. With a light tea service being served in the upper lobby at 4, we had a few minutes to settle in before trying a little snack.

We followed tea and unpacking with a stroll though town and dinner at a local pizza place.
After dinner it was time to swim! We enjoyed the pools until bedtime.
More hot springs fun tomorrow!

Kids and Sasquatch

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