Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 15 (Aug 13) – Drive to Harrison Hot Springs

We spent the morning packing up and taking a last look around Kamloops. We saw The Spirit of Kamloops as it pulled out for its Saturday excursion and had some lunch, before hitting the road. 

The drive into Harrison was one of our shorter drives. We got to see quite a terrain change as we drove over. And we are officially out of the Rocky Mountains and into the Cascades, and it has a bit of a homey feeling to me :)

We got into town around 3 this afternoon and were happy a room was ready early for us. But the kids were a bit to wound up to relax in the room, so we explored the resort a bit. The resort has 5 pools that are filled by the hot spring. And its lake front on Lake Harrison so there are lots of people here enjoying the end of summer. We saw 4 different brides today, so its a popular wedding location as well. We had dinner at Harrison Pizza, which was good but funny since the main guy was pleasant but always looked upset, borderline irritated. I saw him crack a smile once, but I have to wonder if all these tourists drive him nuts ;) We walked around a bit before coming back to our room.
view from our room
After our meal had time to settle we headed for the pools. They have 3 pools outside – a lap pool and a family pool (which is 3' or less all over) and an adult pool. Then inside they have another pool just slightly warmer than the outside pools and a hot tub type, but larger.
The lap pool was pretty empty so we could have splashed about in it, but the kids were plenty happy in the family pool. We did go to the inside pool and the hot tub before calling it a day for the pools.

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