Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Chocolate doesn't judge, chocolate understands ;)

East Coast Driving Trip 2015 - Day 5

Today we said goodbye to DC and headed a wee bit north to Hershey PA.
Our route took us through Maryland, where I almost missed the sign completely.... 

Almost got the whole sign ;)

We weren't on a big highway, so I will proclaim it wasn't all poor planning on my part ;)

On the way we lunched at Ted's Bulletin. What a tasty meal. I had a Rachel, which is a twist on a Ruben... Its turkey and coleslaw on marble rye. So good! And then we shared some Ted's Tarts, which they are known for...Homemade Pop Tarts! 

Brown Sugar Cinnamon

Back on the road - Pennsylvania wasn't to far away. And we got the picture to prove it. Thank you hubby for your superb photography skills.

Much better - Thank you Hubby!

We checked into the Hershey Lodge a bit before 4:00 and were told they would call when our room was ready for us. So we took our free tickets to the Hershey Story and headed out to the museum.

The museum was great. They had a nice exhibit on what it was like to work in a chocolate factory in the early 1900s. Lots of hands on fun.
And a full floor of info on Milton Hershey and the history of the company. 

Trying to push a tub used in the factory
weighing kisses
trying our hands at sorting

Having fun at the Hershey Story Museum

About the time we finished, hubby got the call.... Our room was ready! Yay!
The rest of our day was settling in, exploring and grabbing some dinner.

Oh, all the chocolate! 

Miles today: 145
Miles total: 438
States Total: 5 (+Maryland, Pennsylvania)

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