Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 2 - Bon Voyage

We had a wonderful lazy morning at the Hyatt. The cruise line came and picked up all our bags (except for a few we planned to carry on the ship) and we had an easy breakfast in the room. Once we were ready, we headed down to the main terminal building and over to the area where the Disney Cruise buses leave from.
We had a short wait for our bus, and then we were on our way.
It's less than an hour out to the port and it went so fast. Before we knew it we could see the Disney Fantasy out the bus window.
The Disney Fantasy!!!! 
Our timing worked out really well and we were able to walk right on the ship once we had checked in.
Getting ready to board the ship

view down the ship from the gangplank
View from lunch at Cabanas
Once we had been properly welcomed aboard, we headed upstairs for lunch. We found Cabanas and a table and took turns exploring the buffet. This worked out well and soon it was time to explore the ship. Hubby picked up our passes to the rainforest room in the spa, and the kids and I had some soft serve from the self serve machines up on deck... yikes... that is what every summer vacation needs - 24 hour self serve soft serve ice cream. Oui. We found our way down each deck til we hit the kids clubs. It was open house/registration and our little lady was ready to go. Our boy prefers mellow stuff to typical kids club type things, so he needed a bit more convincing to explore, but since it was open house we were able to join them. The clubs are pretty cool. Donald was there and having fun with the kids. I have to say that duck is not good at hula hooping, and it clearly bums him out. But he has other skills to fall back on, so I am sure he will be ok. Our little lady was having a blast with him.
Well, before we knew it, it was after 1:30, which is when you can go to your staterooms.
And it also means soon our luggage would show up and I could unpack. I enjoy a trip so much more if I am unpacked, so this is a little more exciting to me that it should be. The kids and hubby hung out with me for a while. We planned to keep things mellow today and not get too sucked into the party that Disney makes of departure.

trying on our floatation vests.
comfy... not really 
Our last bag arrived before dinner and I was able to put things away and get into vaction mode.
Dinner tonight was at Royal Court. We ended up with a table for 4 - no tablemates this time. Our serving team Nestor and Richards seem good. The name Nestor sounds familiar to hubby from the Disboards. I will need to check that out at some point.
This is our first trip with early dinner seating, so we have to get used to this time after dinner and before the show. Tonight's show was the Welcome Aboard show. The on board cast seem great and the special guest talent (Ron Pearson) was oh so very funny. Seriously funny guy.
The show ended at 9:30 and we headed back to settle in and go to bed. Tomorrow we will really get into cruise life.

Ya gotta see the chandelier.....
Sooo sparkly

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